Dr. Elham Azarnoosh
Dr. Elham Azarnoush completed her general studies in medicine at Mashhad University of Medical Sciences in 2003. During this period, she achieved first ranks in the 1999 basic sciences exams and the 2001 internship exams.
She began her specialization in ENT surgery at Tehran University in 2006 and graduated with a specialized board certification. Following this, she completed her specialized training program.
Then, she worked for two years as an ENT specialist surgeon in a town. In 2012, she completed her subspecialty training in nasal and sinus surgery and has been practicing in her office in Mashhad since then, performing over 1,000 nasal and sinus endoscopy surgeries to date.

Specialties of Dr. Elham Azarnoush

Nose surgery
Rhinoplasty, cosmetic nose surgery, and deviated septum surgery

Sinus endoscopy
Endoscopic sinus surgery, treatment of sinusitis and nasal polyps, treatment of various sinus-related pains

Ear aesthetics
Used to treat ears that are significantly distanced from the head

Useful articles

Pre-operative measures for rhinoplasty
Necessary pre-operative measures for bony, fleshy, natural, and semi-fantasy rhinoplasty:
1. Avoid smoking, hookah, and cigarettes for 2 weeks before surgery.
2. Inform your doctor if you have a history of illness or surgery.
3. Provide your doctor with a list of medications you are currently taking.
4. Take a shower the day before the surgery. Be careful not to catch a cold.
5. To reduce anesthesia complications, do not consume any liquids or food 8 hours before surgery.
6. On the day of surgery, bring your pre-operative tests and imaging results with you.
7. Stop taking blood-thinning medications like aspirin and painkillers two weeks before surgery.
8. Women should not wear any jewelry on the day of surgery and should not wear makeup. If you have nail extensions, you should remove some of them.
9. Men should shave their beard and mustache the day before surgery.

Post-operative care for rhinoplasty
Post-operative care for semi-fantasy, natural, fleshy, and bony rhinoplasty:
A list of care measures that can speed up your recovery after surgery:
• Use two pillows when sleeping to keep your head elevated and try to sleep on your back rather than on your side or stomach.
• Take the prescribed medications on time and regularly.
• Avoid smoking and cigarettes for at least two weeks, but it’s better not to smoke for up to 3 months to achieve optimal results and reduce swelling.
• Avoid heavy sports and activities after nose surgery.
• Avoid blowing your nose for a month.
• Avoid chewing hard foods for a while.
• Swelling and bruising around the nose and eyes are normal in the initial days after surgery and will gradually improve, so don’t worry.
• Use cold compresses for 48 to 72 hours to reduce bruising.
• Consult your doctor before taking any medication after surgery.
• The nasal splint is usually removed 7 days after surgery; take a shower before visiting the clinic for splint removal to soften it, but do not touch the splint. The method of bathing after surgery is explained in another article.

Costs of rhinoplasty
Cost of semi-fantasy, natural, fleshy rhinoplasty:
Unfortunately, some people look for the cheapest option for rhinoplasty, disregarding crucial parameters like the surgeon’s experience and skill. These individuals not only fail to achieve their desired results but also face many complications after surgery.
It is worth noting that since rhinoplasty is considered a cosmetic surgery, it is not covered by insurance. Click here to find out the latest cost and price of rhinoplasty in Mashhad.
The cost of rhinoplasty depends on various factors:
• Surgeon’s fee
• Anesthesiologist’s fee
• Cost of medications used during and after surgery
• Cost of the clinic or hospital where the surgery is performed
• Geographic location (which city and which area of the city?)
Beauty secrets at
Dr. Elham Azarnoush's clinic
“Beauty is God’s shadow on the creation.”
Gabriela Mistral
Beauty has different definitions for different people, as Shakespeare aptly stated:
“Beauty is bought by judgment of the eye.”
However, the important point here is that humans instinctively desire to be admired and accepted by society, and facial beauty is one of the most important aspects. Since the nose is in the center of the face, having a beautiful nose enhances a person’s attractiveness and boosts their confidence.
A beautiful nose has different definitions in different societies; for example, in one society, a small, doll-like nose is the standard of beauty, while in another society, a natural nose is considered attractive. Nonetheless, the prominent point is that the nose should harmonize with other facial features.

Answers to consider in rhinoplasty:
Can a standard be defined for a beautiful nose?
You must have heard that beauty is a relative concept. However, balance and symmetry are always appreciated and considered beautiful.
A surgically enhanced nose should be both beautiful and natural. What makes a nose beautiful? Can a standard be defined for a beautiful nose at all?
Today, aesthetics science has been able to identify criteria accepted worldwide that define a beautiful nose, which we will discuss further.
What is the most important factor in determining the success of rhinoplasty?
The most important factor in determining the success of rhinoplasty is the thickness of the nasal skin. In individuals with very thin nasal skin, the slightest asymmetry is visible under the skin. On the other hand, in individuals with thick nasal skin, often referred to as having a “fleshy nose,” the changes made are not very noticeable.
The best candidates for rhinoplasty are those with moderately thick nasal skin. Cosmetic surgery involves making changes to the positioning of the nasal bones and cartilage to align the nose with aesthetic standards and enhance its appearance. However, post-surgery tissue healing can cause changes that are not entirely under the surgeon’s control.
Overall, 90% of the changes to the nose are within the surgeon’s control, while 10% are not, and in such cases, a second surgery may be necessary to correct unintended changes if the individual desires.
Is there a standard for nose beauty?
The standard of beauty is a scientific concept. To establish these standards, the faces of individuals considered beautiful by the majority of society have been analyzed, and the features of their faces have been noted, leading to specific findings.
The angle between the nose and the lip, the angle between the nose and the forehead, the proportion of the nose size to the cheeks, and the size of the nose relative to the face have been expressed in numerical terms and introduced as scientific standards. In rhinoplasty, we aim to align the individual’s face with these standards so that after surgery, they are perceived as beautiful by the majority.
Statistical analysis of the nasal and facial angles of individuals considered beautiful by the majority has provided criteria to cosmetic surgeons worldwide. If the surgeon operates according to these standards, it usually results in the satisfaction of the individual undergoing surgery and their family and friends. However, in the field of cosmetic surgery, the patient’s preferences are also considered as much as possible, and their desires are accommodated as long as they do not conflict with the standards.